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A Child's Life in Wartime Sarajevo

A Child's Life in Wartime Sarajevo

Q Below is a link to an article in NPR that includes a long excerpt of A Child's Life in Wartime Sarajevo by Zlata Filipovic. Please read it here and answer the following questions: 1) How does Zlata's tone shift from the earlier entries about the war approaching her city to the later sections describing the siege of Sarajevo? 2) What do you think motivated Zlata to write the diary? She has been compared to Anne Frank. Was it a need to bear witness or a personal comfort? Explain. 3) Use Zlata's excerpt to describe how war interfered with their daily lives. What does this tell us about the nature of warfare at the end of the twentieth century? Please respond to at least two other posts!

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In the beginning of Zlata’s diary entries there was less violence, and occasional attacks here and there but nothing so dangerous. She started her entry stating that she is unable to do her homework and she feels that something really ominous is going to happen soon. She clearly states that she is afraid of a war. In the initial entries we see that Zlata and her family even though the situation is not very ideal, go out to the park and people are doing a “peace march”. Zlata believes that nobody wants war and everyone wants to live in peace and harmony. In the later entries however, we see that the tone changes to absolute destruction, damage and killings.